CenturyLink email sign-in options

You can stay signed in to your CenturyLink email. You can also set an account recovery option.

How to stay signed in

The next time you sign in to your email, just check the box that says Stay signed in. That's all there is to it!

For security purposes, do not select this option if you are on a public device.

screenshot of webmail sign-in

Sign out temporarily

Are you having guests, or would just like a little extra security for a short time without changing your settings? You can simply click the  Sign out link on your email homepage, and the next time you try to access your email, you'll have to sign in.

screenshot of webmail menu showing sign out link

Set up an account recovery method

If you have not already entered a phone number or additional email address for account recovery, you'll see a pop-up whenever you sign in prompting you to do so. 
This feature adds one more level of security to your email account, making it harder for a stranger to access it, and giving you a secure recovery option if you forget your password or need to reset it.
Email account security pop-up

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