Paying for services on another account

Seguramente recibiste una comunicación de CenturyLink con la notificación de que se suspende la opción de facturación que te permitía incluir el servicio de otra persona en tu factura, o viceversa.

Though we no longer offer that specific billing arrangement, there is another option available that allows someone else to pay your bill. 

Importante: Ten presente que los pagos en tu cuenta en última instancia son tu responsabilidad. Late payments or missed payments will result in additional fees, and if your account remains unpaid for too long, service could be disconnected – regardless of any payment agreements you had with another person.

Cambiar la dirección de facturación de la cuenta

Puedes cambiar la dirección de facturación de tu cuenta para que tu factura mensual se envíe a otra dirección. If someone else will be paying your bill in full every, that person can add your account to their My CenturyLink profile, which will allow them to easily access your bill, make payments, and manage your account.

If someone is paying only part of your monthly bill, you’ll want to make an agreement with that person about who pays what amount and how it’s paid to ensure the full amount due is paid, regardless of how the payment is divided.

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