Set up a CenturyLink email account

Tu servicio de Internet de Alta Velocidad de CenturyLink incluye una cuenta de email. Learn how to create your account.

Cómo crear tu dirección de email

You can create your new CenturyLink email address using the My CenturyLink app. 

1. Sign in to the My CenturyLink app

2. Scroll to the menu at the botttom of the screen and tap My Services

Menu on My CenturyLink app showing My Services
3. Scroll down the My Services screen to find the email services section. If you do not already have an email account shown here, tap on Create email account.
My CenturyLink app screen, button to create email account
4. Enter an email address and password.
Create email username and password
5. Enter a mobile phone number for account recovery and security. If you're ever locked out of your account, CenturyLink will send a verification code to this number.
CenturyLink email recovery phone entry
6. Verify your mobile number. After you enter your phone number, you'll get a verification code by SMS. Enter this code in the My CenturyLink app to confirm your information and complete your email account creation.
Email verification code on phone text app
CenturyLink email phone verification screen
7. Validate a backup email address. This optional step provides an additional recovery method in case you get locked out of your account and do not have access to your phone. CenturyLink will also send a verification code to a backup email address.
CenturyLink email backup email option
8. Your new CenturyLink email account is created and you can sign in.
You can sign in on any device connected to the internet from the home page. O puedes use your CenturyLink email with a different email program on your device.
CenturyLink email account sign in screen

Check your CenturyLink email using your preferred program

Puedes configurar tu Email de CenturyLink en otros programas de email y en múltiples dispositivos.

Para todos los programas y dispositivos, necesitarás la POP/IMAP Configuraciones del Servidor a medida que sigues las instrucciones para tu dispositivo o programa en particular.

Troubleshoot problems with your service

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