¿No recibes emails de CenturyLink?

If you aren't getting your bill notification or other important emails from us, there are a few things you can check to fix the problem.

Check your CenturyLink account settings

Comienza por ingresar a My CenturyLink online or in the app and checking a few settings that might be preventing you from getting CenturyLink emails.

Correct email address?

First, make sure you have the correct email address in our system. It's worth double-checking, just in case one tiny typo is preventing you from getting our messages.

  1. Go to the Settings screen.
  2. Online, look on the Sign-In Info tab.
    In the app, scroll down to Billing Account Information.
  3. Take a look at the email address listed to make sure it's up to date and free of errors. If needed, you can edit it.
  4. Click Save to submit any changes you made.

Note: If you've recently changed your email address, it can take up to 30 days for some emails to be routed to your new address. 

My CenturyLink settings - account info - email address

My CenturyLink online

CenturyLink app, settings screen showing email address

Aplicación My CenturyLink

Notification settings

Next, check to make sure you've selected to receive email notifications from CenturyLink.

  1. From the same Settings page you were on to check your email address, click the Notifications tab.
  2. Be sure you've toggled the tabs on for the notifications you want to receive. They'll be blue if they're active.
  3. You can also check the email address you've entered for notifications. It might be different than your sign-in address. You can change it here if you'd like.
My CenturyLink settings - notifications

Si no puedes ingresar en My CenturyLink, puedes chatea con nosotros para que un agente confirme o actualice tu dirección de email.

Verifica tu carpeta de spam/basura

Email accounts have a "Spam" or "Junk" folder, where emails from unknown or untrusted sources are placed automatically using a spam filter. Sometimes legitimate emails are filed there by accident simply because the sender address is unknown. You can check by doing the following:

  1. In your email account, find the "Spam" or "Junk" folder in the directory. 
  2. Check or search within this folder for any emails from @centurylink.com, @em.centurylink.com or @qwest.com. 
  3. If you find a message from CenturyLink, right click on the email message and mark it "Not spam" or "Not junk." This will move the message to your inbox, and will also change the spam filter so that all future messages from that address will not be blocked as spam.

Check more email settings

There are a few features in every email program that help manage your inbox, but could be prefventing you from receiving certain emails. Check out your blocking, filtering, address book and mail forwarding settings:

  • Puedes usar el bloqueo para rechazar emails de ciertos remitentes. Revisa la lista de "remitentes bloqueados", en caso de que alguno figure allí por accidente. Si ves alguna dirección que finaliza en @centurylink.com, @em.centurylink.com o @qwest.com, desbloquéala.

  • Puedes usar filtros para crear reglas que determinen a dónde van las distintas clases de emails. Algunos, como los filtros de spam, se configuran automáticamente. También puedes crear otras reglas. Verifica nuevamente que no tengas un filtro que esté de manera automática moviendo los emails de CenturyLink a una carpeta diferente, reenviándolos a una dirección diferente o eliminándolos.

  • Puedes usar tu libreta de direcciones o lista de contactos para identificar a los remitentes de los que deseas recibir emails. Crea un solo contacto para agregar a CenturyLink a tu libreta de direcciones con estas tres direcciones de email para asegurarte de recibir todas las comunicaciones que te enviemos en el futuro: @centurylink.com, @em.centurylink.com y @qwest.com.

  • Puedes usar el reenvío de emails para reenviar todos los emails o ciertos emails a otra cuenta. Si esto está activado, verifica el buzón de mensajes de la cuenta "reenviar a" para ver si tus mensajes de CenturyLink están allí. Si fuera posible, desactiva la opción para eliminar los emails reenviados de la cuenta principal. Si consideras que los mensajes reenviados se siguen perdiendo, trata de desactivar el reenvío.

Obtener ayuda con proveedores de Email comunes

Look for more help from your email provider:

Check anti-virus settings

Tu software antivirus podría estar bloqueando (o poniendo en cuarentena) los emails que te enviamos. Abre tu software antivirus y revisa si hay emails de CenturyLink retenidos allí. Tu software probablemente tenga una opción de lista de "remitentes seguros". If so, add @centurylink.com@em.centurylink.com, and @qwest.com to your list to identify them as safe so they won't be blocked in the future.

Elimina la memoria caché del navegador y vuelve a ingresar

If you've tried everything else, one of these ideas may solve the problem:

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies (in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.), then check your email again. Cada navegador puede ayudarte a conocer cómo hacerlo.

  • Sign out of your email account, then sign back in. Sometimes a reset can clear errors.

If you've tried all these steps and are still not receiving our emails, please chatea con nosotros. ¡Estamos para ayudarte!

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