Consejos de seguridad para email

Follow these tips to keep yourself and your devices safe from malware and criminal attempts.

Don't open emails from strangers

If it seems fishy, it probably is. Mark the message as spam using your email program's method for doing this. If you're on webmail, select the message, then click the Spam button. 

CenturyLink webmail inbox showing the spam button

How to mark a message as spam on your CenturyLink webmail

Don't send confidential information by email

Confidential or sensitive information such as passwords, bank account numbers, and social security numbers should NEVER be sent by email. CenturyLink, PayPal, and your bank are examples of companies that will never ask for personal information in an email. If you get a request like this, it is a scam. Mark the message a spam and delete it.

Don't open attachments you don't trust or haven't scanned

Never open an attachment within an email from a company or person you don't know or that you were not expecting. Los archivos adjuntos pueden contener virus, que pueden ocasionar daños graves a tu computadora. Move these emails to your spam folder.

Don't reply or click any links in a spam message

Replying to, clicking on links within, or even attempting to unsubscribe from spam emails typically only informs the sender that they have found an active email address to which they'll send more spam emails. Instead, report the message as spam using your email provider's instructions. See the first tip for email.

Use a spam filter and avoid unsolicited bulk messages

Los filtros de spam te ayudan a impedir que los emails de spam lleguen a tu buzón o identificar dichos emails para que tengas conocimiento. Según el software y la configuración, algunos filtros de spam pueden eliminar automáticamente los emails basura y bloquear los virus informáticos que rastrean tu actividad y la información de tu sistema. CenturyLink email accounts come with built-in spam filtering.


Unsolicited bulk email messages can fill up your mailbox and become extremely frustrating. Para evitarlo, haz lo siguiente:

  • No suministres tu dirección de email a sitios que no son de confianza.

  • No publiques tu dirección de email en lugares públicos de Internet, como paneles de mensajes, paneles de comentarios o incluso tu sitio web personal.

  • Mantén tu email personal en privado, salvo entre las personas con las que realmente quieras comunicarte. Puedes configurar una segunda cuenta de email para registrarte en sitios web públicos.

  • Usa una dirección de email alternativa cuando compres un producto en un sitio por primera vez o te suscribas a un nuevo servicio. If you're a CenturyLink High-Speed Internet customer, you can use one of your 10 included email accounts for this.

Use anti-virus software

We highly recommended that you install and maintain good and well-respected anti-virus software on your computer to prevent infection. Examina todos los adjuntos que recibes por email con un programa de antivirus antes de descargarlos, aunque provengan de una persona que conoces. McAfee Security is included with your CenturyLink High-Speed Internet service at no extra cost.

Keep passwords secure

It's recommended to change your passwords at least every 60 days, particularly if you currently view and manage your email on a public computer. Usa una combinación de letras y números, ya que esas contraseñas son más difíciles de descifrar. La contraseña no debería ser fácil de adivinar. Nunca compartas tu contraseña con nadie. Conoce más sobre creating secure passwords.

Keep away from open WiFi

When you're connected to a public and open WiFi network, there is increased potential for hackers to access your accounts. Es mejor evitar conectarse a estas redes. Si te conectas, no inicies sesión en ninguna cuenta que tenga información confidencial almacenada.

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