How to find your WiFi network details

Need to look up your WiFi network name (SSID) and password? There are several ways to find these credentials:

  • If you haven't customized them, the default settings are printed on the modem sticker
  • You can see them in the WiFi network area of My CenturyLink on the web or in the app.
  • If you've customized the settings, you can also look them up in the modem GUI.

Check the modem sticker

You can find your wireless network information printed on the sticker, which should be attacked to the back or bottom of your modem. Look for the SSID (WiFi network name) and security key (WiFi password). Some modems may have two SSIDs, one for 5 GHz and one for 2.4 GHz.

Sample modem sticker showing SSID and WiFi key

App instructions

1.  Open the app, sign in, and go to the My Services screen.


2. Scroll down to find your list of WiFi networks. Tap on the network you want to view.

Screenshot from the app My Services screen
Screenshot from the app's WiFi Network details

Website instructions

1. Sign in to My CenturyLink and click on Services in the top menu.

2. Scroll down the page to find the section called WiFi Networks.

Screenshot of My CenturyLink Services page showing WiFi network

3.  Click on Edit WiFi info to see your WiFi network name and password.

Screenshot of My CenturyLink edit WiFi info screen

Sign in to the modem settings

You can also look up the current credentials in your modem settings site. Follow the steps to access the wireless settings. On the Basic Settings screen, scroll down to view the Network Name (SSID) and Security Key/Passphrase (WiFi password) as shown in the sample screenshot below. You can also see your security type and WPS PIN here.

Screenshot of the Basic Settings screen in the modem's Wireless Setup menu

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