Get all of your monthly billing information electronically when you sign up for paperless billing on the My CenturyLink website or in the app.
Customers who receive a paper bill for their CenturyLink High-Speed Internet service are currently charged a $1.00 Paper Bill Fee each month. Effective May 1, 2024, the Paper Bill Fee will increase to $2.00 each month. Avoid this fee by enrolling in paperless billing today. Learn about exceptions to the Paper Bill Fee below.
2. Select Billing from the top menu.
3. Scroll down to Billing Settings at the bottom of the Billing screen.
4. Click to Turn on Paperless Billing
This is an example image. Please sign in to turn on paperless billing for your account.
Note: If you don't see an option for Paperless Billing, it's because you have a Prepaid internet account and paperless billing is automatically activated.
While you're signed in, consider enrolling in AutoPay so you never miss a payment.
If you have not already selected paperless billing, you'll see a quick link button on the home screen, as shown below.
You can also get to the paperless billing screen by selecting Settings from the menu at the bottom of the app. You'll see "Paperless Billing" under Billing Settings. Click the Edit button to make changes.
This is an example image. Please sign in to turn on paperless billing for your account.
On the Paperless Billing screen, you can confirm or update the email address where you will receive your billing notices.
Paperless billing allows you to receive your bills electronically. You'll get an email every month with payment options and quick links.
The Paper Bill Fee, which increases to $2.00 each month on May 1, 2024, is charged to customers with CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Service. You will see the charge on your bill as "Paper Bill Fee."
If you meet any of the following conditions, you will NOT be charged the fee:
* Contact us to request a special format printed bill such as braille or large-print.
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