Centro de seguridad para red residencial

Your modem/router is one of the most important gadgets in your home, keeping you and your devices connected. If your router or home network gets compromised by a hacker or even a neighbor attempting to join your network, it puts all of your connected devices at risk. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to keep your home WiFi network secure.

7 tips for home WiFi security

Si realizarás una working or learning from home, una avid gamer, or a media fanatic, a strong and secure home WiFi network is crucial to your success. The web is a playground for hackers and malware, which can put your private information at risk. Read these seven things you can do to increase your home network security.

1. Change the name of your WiFi network

One of the first things you can do to improve your WiFi security is to change the network name (SSID) of your personal WiFi network. You can do this by signing into your modem's settings portal and going into the Wireless Setup area. Under Basic Settings or SSID Setup, you can enter a custom name into the "Network Name" field.

2. Set a strong password for your WiFi

La mayoría de los enrutadores inalámbricos vienen con una contraseña predeterminada de fábrica. A fin de mejorar la seguridad cibernética, considera cambiar el valor predeterminado a una contraseña segura y única que los potenciales hackers tengan menos probabilidades de adivinar o decodificar. Puedes cambia la contraseña de tu WiFi in two ways: through the CenturyLink app or in the Wireless Setup area of your modem settings. Asegúrate de no usar la misma contraseña que usas para otras cuentas, ya que esto facilita que un hacker acceda a tu información a través de dispositivos o plataformas.

3. Keep your router firmware up-to-date

El firmware es el software especial que hace que tu enrutador funcione. Las actualizaciones a menudo incluyen nuevas protecciones de seguridad, por lo que tu enrutador puede volverse más vulnerable a amenazas y ataques cibernéticos si este firmware queda desactualizado. Routers typically update their firmware automatically, but it's a good idea to log into your modem's Utilities area to verificar si hay actualizaciones de firmware from time to time. 

4. Watch for unknown device connections

Many modem/router manufacturers have tools that allow you to grant access to the network, or create a guest network. Consider using the router's online settings or an app to monitor any unauthorized devices joining your home network. Algunos clientes de CenturyLink con modelos de módem más nuevos pueden hacer esto con WiFi Seguro.

5. Set the best WiFi security type

Learn which encryption and security settings are best for your WiFi network. Wireless encryption is a set of protocols on your router designed to secure your network and protect your data from hackers.


The security settings for your wireless network will typically show encryption choices of WPA2 and WPA3. Estas varían en velocidad, rendimiento y el nivel de protección que ofrecen. For most users today, WPA3 is the best option, with the most secure method of encryption.

6. Disable remote access

Some modems come with remote administration enabled, which allows you to access your network settings while away from home. However, if you can access your home WiFi network from anywhere in the world, this means a cybercriminal might as well. One way to strengthen your home WiFi security is to disable remote access, at least while you're at home.


En la mayoría de los módems de CenturyLink, esta configuración, llamada "Remote GUI" se encuentra en la sección Configuración Avanzada de la interfaz de usuario. See detailed instructions to disable remote access.

7. Turn off the router when it's not in use

This suggestion may sound surprising, but if you'll be away from home for more than a few days, consider turning off your router. This can help to prevent outside attackers from being able to access and exploit your home network while you aren't there to monitor it.

Conoce los recursos que pueden ayudar a proteger la seguridad de tu red

Para reducir las posiblidades de que te pirateen o te roben información importante, explora nuestros recursos sobre seguridad para red residencial.

CenturyLink Security by McAfee is available for free to all CenturyLink High-Speed Internet customers for protection against malware, viruses, unsafe websites, and other online threats.

Learn how to download your free copy of McAfee.

WiFi Seguro brinda protección automática contra amenazas en línea a todos los dispositivos conectados a la red WiFi residencial (incluso aquellos sin pantalla). Te da más control sobre los dispositivos que hay en tu hogar.

WiFi Seguro está disponible en determinados módems compatibles arrendados a CenturyLink.

Learn more about the benefits and features of Secure WiFi.

En la era de los dispositivos inteligentes como Amazon Alexa o Google Home, es importante saber cómo proteger estos dispositivos domésticos inteligentes mientras están conectados a tu red WiFi residencial. Para esto es que un centro de Smart Home puede ser útil. Este centro organiza y consolida tus dispositivos domésticos inteligentes para que puedas controlarlos desde un solo lugar. Asegúrate de que todos estos dispositivos inteligentes estén protegidos con contraseña en una red WiFi segura para evitar posibles ciberataques.

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